The Baking Industry Trade Show Returns This May

We are thrilled to inform you that Vanrooy Machinery will be offering a full test bakery at the fourth Annual Baking Industry Trade Show this year.

This years’ Industry Trade Show will be hosted in Sydney at Wentworth Park, Glebe from the 25th – 27th of May. All are welcome to attend the three-day event, which is specifically designed and presented for the baking industry.

Just as the previous years, the 2021 Trade Show will provide you with the opportunity to network with industry leaders and exhibitors, view a stellar showcase of equipment and live test bakeries, seek technical assistance, check out the latest and greatest ingredients and gain insight on the most recent advancements in operations for your business. More than this, you will be able to attend free workshops, take part in the Baker’s Corner, view live demos and attend the National Excellence in Baking Awards Dinner.

The Trade Show will also see the return of Australia’s Best Pie & Pastie Competition, which is conducted by the Baking Association of Australia and stands as the baking industry’s only recognised national pie and pastie competition. Both of these competitions carry industry prestige and pride as they are conducted by and for the industry. Both competitions are supported by key allied traders and judged to an industry standard criteria which is used and recognised nationally. Entering this competition is a fantastic way to promote your bakery business with the chance to receive one of these National titles.

It is important to emphasise that the organisers of this event are committed to being safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and have taken all necessary precautions to keep all participants safe, and look forward to presenting a huge show in 2021. If you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with the BAA team.

We are incredibly excited to be a part of this event and hope to see you at the Trade Show in May

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