Shop With SilverChef at Vanrooy!

Being a family-founded and operated company, we recognise and appreciate the work that goes into running a business, as well as the financial stress that comes with investing in the very best tools.  As such, we have adopted a solution to ensure that you have access to the equipment your business needs in order to be successful at all times. 

Introducing SilverChef, another payment solution that we have partnered with to provide you with increased financial flexibility. SilverChef has been supporting the hospitality industry since 1986, proudly investing over $1 billion into the industry (and counting) by providing flexible funding for commercial kitchen & restaurant equipment.

Whether you are planning a complete refurbishment, new fit-out, or just need to obtain a few items, the benefits of funding your equipment through Silver Chef are clear: 

  • Fast approval rate, only require the customers drivers license, medicare and ABN to approve them for up to $65k
  • Unlike other methods such as other finance companies or BNPL set ups, customers aren’t locked into an agreement with the same asset 
  • Rental payments are 100% tax deductible
  • Short-term contract, 1 year, return the equipment after that with no penalty
  • Upgrade anytime if you outgrow the equipment
  • Continue renting indefinitely
  • Purchase at anytime 
  • Save your capital to run your business 

With SilverChef, you have two finance options: Rent-try-buy or Lease-to-keep. 

How Rent-try-buy works:

The Rent-Try-Buy® solution gives you unrivalled flexibility to adapt your equipment to the changing needs of your business. Rent-Try-Buy is a 12-month rental agreement that allows you to try equipment in your business before you buy it. 

Benefits include: 

  • Rental payments may be tax-deductible and treated as off-balance sheet. Here, you could take advantage of the Instant-Asset Write-Off Scheme. 
  • Low weekly payments
  • Flexibility to upgrade on your purchase. 
  • A choice to either return, continue to rent or work towards owning the piece of equipment. 

How Lease-to-keep works: 

With Lease-to-Keep you get the equipment you need now, with monthly payments spread over four years. At the end of the term, the equipment is all yours. Lease-to-Keep is for businesses who have been trading for more than 12 months and are financing over $10,000 worth of equipment.

Benefits include:

  • Keep your capital on hand for other expenses.
  • Rental payments may be tax-deductible and treated as off-balance sheet. Here, you could take advantage of the Instant-Asset Write-Off Scheme. 
  • Consistent monthly payment amounts make cash flow easier to predict and manage.
  • Low payments over a four-year period. 

Apply for SilverChef today: 

View our Calculator: 

Rent-Try-Buy with Vanrooy: 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

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